is to provide a home away from home with high quality and reliable services to maintain the client's independence.
is to encourage people to use their own abilities to maintain their independence.
. . . will have a place to socialize in order to decrease loneliness as they face the challenges of
. . . will have their privacy respected in their own room with cheerful staff available whenever
help is needed.
. . . will have 24-hours of loving support.
. . . will have home cooked meals and snacks, laundry service, and essential shopping.
. . . will be provided with a variety of stimulating, as well as physical daily activities.
. . . will have better health through assistance in bathing, nail & foot care, medication
administration, blood pressure checks, nutrition monitoring, and educational programs.
. . . will be provided transportation from the center to any medical appointments when family is
not available.
Custer Care strives for a friendly, caring atmosphere that promotes socialization and friendship.